Sri Sri’s Birthday Message Sri Sri Ravishankar’s birthday message was unique and simple yet precious. I will quote only 2-3 sentences and explain it. Trust me, if this world understand this, there will be only peace and happiness around. He says, it’s very easy to see God in Guru as we have been groomed like that and we have been told from our childhood that “Guru Govind Dou Khade , kake lagoon paavn; Balihari Guru apno, Govind diyo batay.” (When you get both God and guru together, who do I bow down first, to my surprise, God directed me to the guru) It’s really easy to see god in enlighten and good people. But he asks, can you see God in a foolish or not so good person? It’s not easy and then he also tells how to do that, He explains that if you get a thief do your service like policeman, if you get a patient, serve him like a Doctor. This knowledge looks simple but it’s not. Generally, when a person is told that see God in all forms, it becomes very difficult for him to handle the situations. He does not know what to do with a person, who is not having good outlook, who is not following the norms of the world or who is indulging in unlawful act like stealing, killing or other crimes. His message to serve him / her by seeing god in him, tells you how to be compassionate to anyone who is not on the right path. He tells you to serve a bad person like police man to improve him or make him free from that crime. How beautiful are these lines, when we try to serve even the wrong ones and try to make him useful for the society in some or the other way. I am sure this world will be a beautiful place. Second statement, is about the state of mind when we are at rest. He says your mind keeps the same grudge against someone when you are at rest. Even if you ignore his mistakes or bad behaviour during the working hours due to influence of knowledge, your mind does not leave it. You cling to it again, when you are at rest. He tells us to become completely free from these worries, grudges and have a peaceful rest. This is very true in case of many of us. Even if we somehow stop ourselves to react when someone is not reasonable to you, we do not forgive him from our mind and we keep the grudges inside our mind. Sri Sri tells you to be free from that and have an absolute rest when you are at rest. Do not carry the baggage in your mind.
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